Indian Government Aims to Take Down Predatory Journals
Indian Government Aims to Take Down Predatory Journals
A government body that regulates higher education has asked universities for a “white list” of legitimate scientific journals by August 30.
Indian Government Aims to Take Down Predatory Journals
Indian Government Aims to Take Down Predatory Journals

A government body that regulates higher education has asked universities for a “white list” of legitimate scientific journals by August 30.

A government body that regulates higher education has asked universities for a “white list” of legitimate scientific journals by August 30.

black list

Opinion: We Need a Replacement for Beall’s List
Eyal Braun, Francis B. Mimouni, Daniel Mimouni, Eytan Z. Blumenthal, and Michael Mimouni | Aug 15, 2017 | 3 min read
Although the popular blacklist of predatory publishers is gone, the suspect journals they produce are not.